About us

The Harry Rain story started during a rainy night in Stockholm. The two founders were going out for a dinner date. All dressed up, and reservations done. All that was missing was an umbrella.
How come we don’t have any nice looking, quality umbrellas at home?!
That evening gravitated around umbrellas and umbrellas only. Both head down looking at their phones, trawling the entire internet on the search for a modern/stylish/quality umbrellas. Hours went by, both were stunned over the fact that there simply wasn't any to find. Needless to say – it was'nt the most memorable date nights. But an idea was born; 
If there are no such umbrellas, then let´s make the ones we wish we had and let´s call it Harry Rain.


Many moons later and the idea was turning into reality, but the road there had been everything but straight. Tracking down the right suppliers that can deliver the quality we wanted. Narrowing down hundreds of different designs into a fantastic four that will be the launching suite. Making sure we are working with the right people etc etc.

And now we can finally say that we say that we achieved what we set out to do. We have made the umbrellas we wished we had ourselves. And we can proudly show our first collection. By now they have become dear friends of us and they are called Wayne, Alistar, Francis, Bradley, Alex and Diana. We hope you will like them just as much as we do.


 Jessica & Kalle